
WestConnex is the biggest threat to this community in a generation. Explore this page for resources and information on how it will and is affecting Haberfield.

For the Environmental Impact Statement click here: WestConnex M4-M5 Link

For summaries and a guide on how to read the EIS click here: https://thepeopleseis.wordpress.com/

The NSW Parliament Legislative Council (Upper House) commenced an Inquiry into the impact of the WestConnex Project in June 2018.

The Haberfield Association made a submission to the Inquiry highlighting just a few of the impacts on Haberfield residents. The submission is available from the Inquiry website here.

Public Hearings were held by the Inquiry in October and November 2018 and the Association was asked to appear to give evidence at the Inquiry along with the Haberfield Public School P&C.

A video of that appearance is available on the Association Facebook page at this link.