Proposed NSW Housing Reforms

The  NSW Government has announced new housing proposals:

“Transport Oriented Development” (TOD) & “Diverse and Well-Located Housing” (DWLH).

The TOD proposal was announced just before Christmas and NOT for public comment/feedback.
Comment or feedback on DWLH can be made until 23 Feb but you may still contact the Ministers and our Local Member after that date.

The Haberfield Association has endeavoured to get together accurate information on the two proposals and has summarised them in the attachment.

While we all understand there is a need for housing, these proposals will override all existing development controls exercised by local government and threaten the environment we have come to enjoy in our treasured suburbs.

We encourage all residents and friends of Haberfield to read the brief summary attached and make a submission via the Planning website using the link provided and also, to share your concerns with our local member Jo Haylen, whose contact details are included. There is no date limit on contacting Jo Haylen!


Residents Action Coalition
The Haberfield Association had joined the Residents Action Coalition - a grouping of residents groups across the whole  Inner West to provide a collective response to these poorly thought proposals.