Friends of Yasmar - Mission Statement
To restore, conserve and maintain the house, garden and grounds of Yasmar Estate in Haberfield – the only remaining villa estate on Parramatta Road – for the enjoyment and education of the community of NSW.
Friends of Yasmar Estate house and garden – aims
Yasmar house and garden is the only 19th century villa remaining on Parramatta Road, one of Australia’s earliest transport routes, linking early colonial Sydney with Parramatta. It follows the original Aboriginal track. The present Yasmar land parcel was the last landholding of the Ramsay family and land originally associated with Simeon Lord. He was an emancipist, a highly influential businessman and one of the biggest landholders in the colony.
The rare botanical contents of its surrounding ‘Gardenesque’ landscape are an educational resource for the community. Of equal importance is to promote awareness of Yasmar Estate as a significant physical link with the Ramsay Family on whose land the garden suburb of Haberfield was built.
1. The house, garden and grounds – the total curtilage – are to remain as one entity for the benefit of the greater community. All these elements are of equally rare significance; they are intertwined and inseparable; their significance stems from this association.
2. The value of Yasmar Estate to the community will be best assured by keeping it in public ownership for public use, education and enjoyment.
3. To explore with relevant authorities, the possibility that Yasmar Reserve Trust become a dedicated Crown Lands Reserve Trust, with the Inner West Council as the Reserve Trustee.
4. The Reserve Trustee, with State Government support, should conserve the historic house, stables, garden and curtilage, and as a ‘borrowed landscape’ for surrounding properties.
5. Yasmar Estate is to be retained in public ownership and not to be transferred to any other organisation either governmental, quasi-governmental or private.
6. The long-term aim is for all parts of Yasmar Estate to be accessible to the general community.
7. Yasmar Estate is to be used generally for public recreational activities such as, but not limited to, walking and resting within the grounds; propagation and sale of rare and unusual plants of 19th and early 20th century gardens; art gallery and art production spaces; café; market days; community garden.
8. Proposed uses or activities to be assessed against the preferred criteria, e.g. botanical or environmental contribution, heritage conservation, child and adult education, the arts, wellbeing and community engagement.
16th December 2019