Aims of The Haberfield Association

  1. To promote, through the organisation of events and activities, both cultural and educational, a strong sense of community within Haberfield as an unique Federation garden suburb.
  2. To record and publish those aspects of the suburb which have historic and/or heritage significance.
  3. To lobby governments at all levels to preserve and protect heritage architecture, spatial relationships, gardens and other features in Haberfield and other parts of the Inner West.
  4. To work with relevant local Indigenous organisations to record and publish the First Nations history of the Haberfield area.
  5. To work in collaboration with all local organisations which share the Haberfield Association’s objects.
  6. To actively oppose proposed laws and developments which may damage the heritage and/or uniqueness of the suburb.


The Constitution was ratified at the 2020 AGM.
To download it, click below:

Haberfield Association Constitution 2020